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Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Maguy Sex : Woman Status : Single, with children Birthday : Unknown Area : St-Apollinaire |
A few words |
J'aime bouger, m'amuser, danser, sortir avec mes amis, découvrir de nouvelles personnes, de nouvelles régions ou de nouveaux pays. J'adore recevoir, cuisiner, j'apprécie autant les "plateaux télé" que les bons restaurants, cocooner autant que voyager. Je suis assez rigolote et joviale. Passionnée de danse en couple, j'aime aussi danser seule ! Je suis plutôt naturelle et spontanée, sincère et droite dans mes bottes, et j'en attends autant des autres ! |
Work / Job Teacher - EducatorMedical Artist | Languages I speak FrenchI speak English I speak Spanish | Daily life Generous - AltruisticFamily - Children |
Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - BioBuy & Live local Relax - Cool - Rest Openmind Unexpected - Last minute Motorcycle | Technology Retro - Nostalgia | I like a culture/food FrenchArab Asian - Indian Turkish - Armenian African Italian |
Sports HikingWater sports Sliding sports | Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter Rock dancing Latin dancing Fitness - Bodybuilding Swimming | Games Board gamesEscape & laser game |
Cultural Activities TheaterCinema Music Jazzy | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioHistory - Archaeology Puzzles - Quiz | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics Brunchs I enjoy tea |
Entertainment / Info Amusement ParksBoats Funny Television Soap opera - Manga | Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain Zoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events BirthdayParty Concert - Festival Aperitif Fairs - Shows Flea markets |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack |